“I read through this book in one sitting and am completely hooked!” ★★★★★ LOVELYBOOKS


A weekend in Italy, to visit a museum in Amsterdam or straight to the Mediterranean? All possible under 24 hours travel time. By train, says the author of this new book. According to him, the most beautiful part of a trip is the outward journey. It not just brings us not just to the destination, but to many surprising new discoveries. Places we would otherwise have flown over lightly.

Overland book

The perfect gift

Especially handy for planning the next trip is the popular A3 map of Europe. Exciting destinations are marked there, all of which can be reached by train in less than 24 hours. For example, London to Amsterdam in just five hours!

Funny essays, that you don’t want to read on the fly.

GEO Saison

Not only is the book a joy to read, it looks so beautiful.

ø 4.6 from 5


WOW! Truly inspiring, funny and entertaining.

