
After reading this book, I have resolved to take more trains.

Tom Hodgkinson

This book has everything you need in a read. Humour, entertainment, love, a dash of tension and, best of all, plenty of inspiration.


Amusing essays that you won’t want to read on the fly.

GEO Saison

What’s it about

Richard Kaufmann once travelled to Morocco, unintentionally with no money, simply because he had set off without any kind of plan. It changed him, and the way he travelled in future. Here, he shares his stories and vision for how we can all holiday in comfort, without wrecking the environment. And we don’t have to take especially long, or go particularly far. We find the most beautiful destinations when we travel overland. Normally we never see them, because we fly right over them.

The German original of OVERLAND is »Landreisen«, which has been sold over 5000 times in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It’s a 224 pages thick book on slow traveling that has been praised by many readers. The Indie publishing house RAZ EL HANOUT has released the English edition in March 2022 along with an all new Map of Train Routes around Europe.

overland detail HD


Richard Kaufmann is a writer and free journalist. His topics include Sustainability, Future and Travelling. He was a cofounder of the German printed transform magazine in Berlin and editor in chief till 2019. After that, he published his first book LANDREISEN on RAZ EL HANOUT, which was released as an English Edition in 2022 as OVERLAND


Autor: Richard Kaufmann
Translation: Rachel Ward
Proofreading: Dr Kate Sotejeff-Wilson

Cover: Fabian Gampp
Illustrations: Ed J Brown, Freya Shork

ISBN: 978-3-949160-01-1

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht0,5 kg
Größe18,5 × 11,5 × 1,75 cm